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song: young & unafraid by the moth & the flame

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song: young & unafraid by the moth & the flame

THE ENERGY AT SCHOOL ON THE LAST DAY BEFORE WINTER BREAK WAS ALWAYS WEIRD. You were either completely stressed about finals, or you were so over the constant test taking that you've just given up.

As the final hour of the day rolled around, Daisy was anxious to just get out of this school and go home. Gym class didn't even have a final, so everyone just sat in the locker room waiting for the bell to ring.

And when it did, the halls erupted in cheers as the first semester came to an end. Daisy piled out of the doors with everyone else, bumping into people as they were just as ready to go home and not think about school for three weeks.

Daisy met eyes with Jen, who looked completely blank and anxious as she walked out of Econ. "What's wrong?" Daisy asks, narrowing her eyebrows at Jen as she met up beside her.

"I totally just failed that test." Jen says, with worried eyes.

Daisy shrugs as they continue walking down the hall and towards the doors. "Oh well."

Jen looked taken back. "Oh well?" She says. "Daisy if we don't do well on these tests we don't graduate."

Daisy inhales deeply and shrugs again. Jen eyes Daisy warily, before turning back to walk down the hall with her. "Well," She begins. "I'll see you over break, right?" Jen asks.

Daisy nods, as she looks over everyone's heads in the hall for Kai, who stood waiting by the front doors. "Mhm." Daisy says, waiting for the this conversation to finish up so she could go see him.

Jen raised her eyebrows, completely aware that Daisy was not listening to a word she said. "Yeah." She said quietly. "I'll see you. Merry Christmas." Jen says, turning on her heel and walking away from Daisy.

Daisy quickly made her way over to where Kai stood. He smiled and turned towards her, readjusting the backpack on his shoulders. "How'd your finals go?" He asks.

"No fucking clue." Daisy says. "I think it got to a point where I just started filling in the C bubble for every answer."

Kai laughs, then looks past Daisy to see Josette approaching them. "Have you told her yet?" Kai asks.

Daisy glances behind her at Josette and turns back to Kai. "I will. Tonight." She says.

Kai nods quickly, looking a bit on edge. "She probably won't take if well." He says. "She'll probably say some weird shit— that you just have to ignore."

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