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song: giver by k. flay

KAI DIDN'T EAT THE FOOD THAT HIS AUNT PLACED IN FRONT OF HIM. He sat at the table besides his Uncle Glenn and leaned on his palm, staring out the kitchen window at the ocean view with bored eyes.

"Are you not hungry?" His Aunt Sherry asks, sitting down across from him with her own plate of mashed potatoes and steak.

"No." Kai says, keeping his gaze focused on the window.

Uncle Glenn glances at his wife, then back to Kai with a frustrated sigh. "Don't be rude, Malachai." He says. "Sherry made you dinner, you should eat it."

Kai lazily turns his head back to face his relatives, before leaning back in his chair and letting out a huff. "I'm not hungry." He says, with an annoyed expression.

"Malachai James eat your dinner." Sherry says loudly, slamming her napkin on the table. Kai didn't flinch, he just stared at his aunt with the most unamused expression he could muster. "We've welcomed you into our home the least you could do was be thankful." She said frustratedly.

"You didn't welcome me into your home my dad dumped me here because he didn't want to deal with me." Kai scoffs, rolling his eyes and turning to watch the ocean out the window.

Glenn grabbed Kai's wrist, yanking him back to face him, to which Kai turned back around quickly, grabbing Glenn's arm and siphoning him as soon as he got the chance.

Glenn groaned, letting out croaks of pain as Kai tightened his grip. Sherry stood up from her seat and started mustering spells under her breath, to which Kai stuck his free hand out towards her and triggered an aneurysm.

Power rushed through Kai's veins, as Glenn and Sherry fell to the ground. He let go of his uncle, stumbling back a bit as he panted quickly. Kai glances at Sherry, who was knocked out on the ground, he then turned to Glenn who was weakly trying to crawl away.

Kai leaned down towards his uncle and let out a sigh, watching him struggle. "I'm gonna need you to tell me where your keys are." He says, frowning a bit. Glenn weakly brought up his hand towards Kai, beginning to start a spell, to which Kai lazily waved his hand towards Glenn— knocking him out too.

Kai stood up, looking at his aunt and uncle with a huff. He stepped over his uncle's body with a scoff. "I guess I'll find them myself."

Daisy paced back and fourth in her living room, glancing up at the landline every five seconds before going back to pacing. She fidgeted with her sweaty hands, holding down nervous vomit that kept creeping up on her stomach.

She didn't realize that saying goodbye to her mother as she dropped Allison off at college would probably be the last time she saw her before she was behind bars for the rest of her life.

kai parker • villains of circumstance ✔️Where stories live. Discover now