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song: it's a trip! by joywave

"WE'LL HAVE TWO BURGERS, no tomatoes or onion for her. And fries. Lots. And... Can we get a side of nachos too, actually? And a separate order of the jalapeño cheesy fries. And the artichoke dip." Kai scans the menu one last time before speaking again. "Anddddd the strawberry cheesecake."

The waitress who stood by their table glanced in between Kai and Daisy with a hint of confusion on her face, before writing the order down. "That'll be right out." She nods before leaving the table.

Daisy gives Kai a confused look and she shrugged. "We're celebrating." He nods happily.

Daisy let's out a small laugh. "And how do you plan to pay for all that?" She questions.

Kai's smile fades as he remembers he really does have to pay for things now. The smile quickly returns as he shrugs again. "We'll cross that bridge when we get there." He waves it off.

Daisy laughs, leaning back in her seat and looking around the crowded restaurant. It was big, and each table was filled with different kinds of people- families, couples, friends. Daisy tried not to let her gaze linger on anyone for too long- but the sensation was impossible to get used to.

Of course she'd been surrounded by masses of people when she was in Winslow- but this was different. These people were here living out their normal lives and grabbing a bite to eat, they knew nothing about prison worlds- or witches for that matter. They were real, and human, and normal.

It was overwhelming, but exciting. Daisy wanted to bombard everyone with questions on what's been happening in Portland the past twenty years- but she couldn't draw any attention to herself.

Daisy returns her gaze to Kai, who also seemed to be looking around and observing. "I've never seen so many low rise jeans in my life." She says.

"And what's with the-" Kai motioned to his hair, "what's with the side part? What's happening there?"

Daisy laughs and takes a sip from the cold water sitting in front of her. "This is so weird." She says.

"I know." Kai nods. "Do you think it feels like- lighter? To you? Like the air-"

Daisy cuts him off, leaning up and pointing at him excitedly. "Yes!" She says with wide eyes. "Like moving takes less effort?!"

Kai nods eagerly and continues. "I think it's because there's no weight of magic all around us."

As Daisy sits back in her seat again, she processes Kai's words. She looks at him with narrowed eyebrows. "Your magic.." She notes.

Kai shrugs it off. "I still have some left."

"Some?" She questions, a hint of worry on her face.

"Enough." He corrects. "Enough for a locator spell, but then I'm pretty much back to the default settings." He sighs, a look of disappointment hidden under his emotionless face.

Daisy frowns. "That won't be too bad, right? Can't you siphon from grimoires?"

Kai nods. "Yeah, but they're not so easily at our disposal anymore."

kai parker • villains of circumstance ✔️Where stories live. Discover now