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song: lipstick by ariel pink

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song: lipstick by ariel pink

IT WAS PAINFUL SITTING NEXT TO HER. It was painful to sit next to her as she blatantly ignored him. Kai couldn't blame her, he was doing the exact same thing. If he wasn't so stubborn, maybe she wouldn't be either— and things wouldn't have to be so damn awkward.

Kai leaned forward in his seat, listening intently to the teacher as Daisy did the same. Although Kai wasn't truly listening, he was more trying to get into Daisy's line of sight, as if that would strike up some sort of conversation between them.

Kai would oblige to Daisy's wishes of 'leaving her alone' for as long as it took for her to come to her senses and realize that she wanted him just as bad as he needed her, but he wanted her to find that out herself. That's how this was going to play out. It had to. He planted the seed, the rest was up to her.

His last class of the day was a free period, with which he could just leave school, but he had to wait for Josette and drive her home. Instead, he sat at the top bleacher that overlooked the football field every day.

He told himself that he did this to just get a quick smoke in before he had to go home, and that it was just coincidental that Daisy had gym class at the same time.

He watched as she chased the soccer ball down the field, outrunning every other girl in the class. She tried to play it off like she didn't care, but Kai knew she was good, she was better.

Daisy spoke with a smile as she lazily jogged alongside a girl in her class, her dark hair pulled back into a high ponytail. She looked too good for someone who'd been running around outside for half an hour now.

Kai liked the feeling of watching Daisy without her knowing. He felt like he was watching the real her. Not the cold front that she puts up every time he was near.

But he also liked the feeling of talking to her, of pestering her, of making her so mad that she turned a heel and stormed off— only to come back and talk to him the next day.

Was the kiss worth all this torture he's putting himself through? Did she actually hate him now? She couldn't. Not after that. Though her lips were pretty, it is the feel of them that sent his mind into a sensual state of intoxication. It had been several days since that night in the woods, but with every free second Kai felt his mind drifting back to that feeling of her lips on his. It was perfectly innocent, a simple connection of two people that secretly longed for each other.

Kai began to feel the bleachers shake beneath him and he glanced up to see Josette walk towards him, a confused look on her face. She said something to him, but he couldn't hear it over his music. He took off a headphone and raised an eyebrow.

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