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song: heart of glass by blondie

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song: heart of glass by blondie

DAISY WAS SURPRISED SHE HAD SAT THROUGH SIX FOOTBALL GAMES, of course, she was just watching Tommy the whole time— and making sure he wasn't concussing himself every chance he got, everything else didn't make sense. Still.

The Wasps had lost two games, won four. This one being their fourth. Tommy had dragged Daisy along to Andy's after every game, which was fun at first— but now it just felt repetitive.

She sat in between him and Mark, wishing she was at the booth across the diner where Josette, Jen and Kai sat by. She was so desperate she'd even sit with Kai. She tried to include herself in the conversation, she really did, but it was impossible at this point when all they wanted to do was talk about the 'track record' from this season, and the one before, and the one before that. And every time Daisy thinks that they might be changing the topic— it doesn't.

Daisy turns to Tommy. "I'm tired." She says.

"Okay— hold on." Tommy says, barely giving her a nod before continuing his conversation with Mark.

She slumps back in her seat, hiding her annoyance. At times like these she really wished she didn't have to depend on Tommy to drive her everywhere. Her eyes trail off to Jen's booth again, wondering what they were talking about.

Kai leaned against the window next to his seat, headphones on. Kai was wherever Jo was, but neither of them seemed to be enjoying it. It was like she had to babysit him constantly. The only time she really got to see Josette on her own was at school, or when she came over to hang out.

Daisy sits up again. "I'm gonna head home." She says.

Tommy directs his attention to her, for the first time all night. "Why?" He asks.

"I'm tired." She repeats, he apparently really did ignore her when she said it before.

Tommy glances at Mark, then back to Daisy. "Is it okay if Jen gives you a ride? Or something? I'm not ready to go yet." He says awkwardly, gesturing towards his friends

Daisy looked at him with a blank expression. "I'll just fucking walk." She says, fed up. She didn't wait for him to move out of the booth to allow her out too, she just climbed over his lap and stood up.

"Wanna come over after I'm done with work tomorrow?" Tommy shrugs.

Daisy's mouth gaps open at his idiocy. Was he not going to insist that he drove? Was he really going to just let her walk home by herself at ten o'clock at night? "I'll pass." Daisy says, spinning on her heel and storming away from his booth.

"Way to go, Tommy." Mark laughed as Daisy pushed open the door to leave. The cold air hit her and she wrapped her jacket over her shoulders.

She huffed frustratedly as she walked down the dark parking lot. She knew she was being dumb, making choices just to spite him. Choices that could end up getting her killed. But if she got killed by some rando in the middle of the night on her way home— Tommy would think it was his fault for not driving her home and would hold that guilt for the rest of his life.

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