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song: west coast by missio

IT TOOK DAISY A SECOND TO ADJUST TO THE NEW SURROUNDINGS. After that bright light faded, she was met with the sound of cars driving by, and passing conversations. On top of that, an unpleasant smell of garbage. It was difficult to see due to the dark sky and lack of street lighting, but she quickly gathered she stood in an alleyway.

She turns around, still a little dizzy from the sudden teleportation that she was not nearly ready enough for. Kai stood a few feet away, looking around down the other exit.

As he turned around, he walked towards her with a soft smile on his face. "Are you okay?" He asked quietly.

Daisy scoffed, looking at him with worried eyes. "Am I okay? You were like- half dead not three minutes ago!" She said, as he opened his arms out towards her. She collided in a warm hug with him.

He placed his chin on top of her head as he held her close. "I'm fine." He says, satisfaction in his voice. "I feel— I feel great."

Daisy could practically feel the power radiating off of him herself. It was strong, overwhelmingly strong. And she wondered if he felt that too. She felt her all of her worries and stress vanish as she let herself melt into his touch.

"I was so scared." She said quietly, her eyes closed.

His shoulders slumped, and he hugged her tightly again, before letting go and looking at her. "It's over now." He said reassuringly. "I won." You could hear a hint of disbelief in his voice.

Daisy smiled, quickly grabbing his face and planting a quick kiss on his lips. "How do you feel?" She asks, excited for him. As she let her hands graze his cheeks; she noticed the warmth he brought her.

Kai took a breath, looking around, he then grabbed Daisy's hands and held them out in between them. His eyes flickered up to hers, gaging her expression as her eyes stay focused on their hands as they intertwined. He watched her, noticing each subtle flinch and hitched breath. "Can you feel it too?" He asked quietly.

Daisy's eyes met his, nodding.

He leaned in again, grabbing her face this time in an eager, passionate kiss. He smiled as he leaned his forehead against hers. She returned it, excited that he was excited.

He searched her eyes, thinking. "Come on." He says, pulling away and grabbing onto her hand.

Daisy laughed at how eagerly he pulled her out the alleyway. He glanced both directions before stepping out into the street, the area wasn't familiar, and it definitely wasn't Mystic Falls. The buildings were much bigger, much newer.

She followed quickly behind as he guided her down the sidewalks, looking around. Daisy watched as people walked past them on the streets, not paying them any mind. How oblivious they were to the amount of power he held, it was almost laughable.

Kai came to a sudden stop, before turning and entering a building with large, spotless glass doors. Daisy tried to look up and see what kind of place they were walking into, but was pulled inside before she could read the sign.

Across from her stood a large marble staircase, and above that hung a massive crystal chandelier. Looking around, she caught nasty glances from the people who hung around what looked like a hotel lobby. They sat on the nice furniture with expensive drinks in hand, looking at the two who had just abruptly walked in.

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