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song: west coast by missio

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song: west coast by missio

KAI FIDGETED WITH HIS HANDS as he watched Daisy walk around her room, opening numerous drawers for her stash of weed. He lay leaned back on her bed, trying not to laugh at the fact that she'd look in the same spot three different times now.

"Maybe you already smoked it." Kai suggested, just trying to get her to come sit down.

"No I know I didn't." Daisy responds, now taking a look at the mess she'd just created in her room. "Allison probably found it." She says, a look of realization on her face. "I'll be right back!"

"It's really oka—" Kai began, but stopped as Daisy was already out the door.

Kai leaned back onto her soft light pink pillow with a huff. He glanced around her room, at the floral wallpaper that were covered in posters of her favorite bands and actors. He liked the innocence that came with her room that she so desperately tried to cover up. He wished she wouldn't, though. He liked it when she was vulnerable, and soft, and delicate.

His eyes trailed over to her dresser, where the drawers hung open and messy. He didn't like mess. He hated it actually. He couldn't focus on anything if something was messy.

He pushed himself off of her bed, and walked over to the old dresser that had an assortment of flowers painted on it. He picked up her clothes from the floor, shoving them back into their rightful place, when he realized he had a pair of her underwear in hand.

Kai stared at the pink silk panties in hand as he lazily tossed everything else back in the drawer. He grazed a thumb over the laced hem as he thought of her, as he thought of her body, and the sounds she made when he pleasured her.

He quickly heard footsteps returning back to her room, and he shoved the panties into his back pocket right before Daisy reentered. "She doesn't have it either— sorry." She lifts an eyebrow. "What are you doing?" She says.

Kai shuts the drawer. "Just looking around." He says.

Daisy smiles faintly and lets out a sigh as she wanders back over to her bed and plops down. Kai sat beside her. "Are you feeling any better?" He asked.

Daisy nodded. "Honestly, yeah." She says. "I've barely thought about it today."

"They'll find the body soon." Kai says, blandly.

Daisy scoffed at the quick turn in conversation. She tried to hide the nerves that swept over her body at his words. "That's comforting." She spoke sarcastically.

"Then the police will come to our school, probably talk to everyone who was at Mark's party." Kai adds. "Do you remember what you have to say?"

Daisy felt the urge to roll her eyes, but held back. "We got into an argument by the pool, he stormed off, I went to look for him, and he was fucking Carol in one of the bedrooms. And that's the last I saw him."

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