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song: animal by sir chloe

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song: animal by sir chloe

KAI HAD DISPOSED OF MIKE'S BODY AS BEST AS HE COULD. He drug his body up all the stairs to the laundromat, and tossed him out in a dumpster behind the shop, pouring some gasoline in and throwing a match on him.

He sat next to the dumpster as it burned, lighting a cigarette with the match he had used before blowing it out. The fire was the only source of light in the dark alley he found himself in, besides the moon. He inhaled deeply and blew out the smoke, rubbing his tired eyes with his other hand.

Daisy's eyes were still wide, her mind just replaying the crunching sound of Mike's neck getting snapped right in front of her. She sat frozen against the pipe she was still tied to. There is a tenseness to her muscles that makes her more like a mannequin on the cold floor than a woman of flesh and bone.

The door's swung open again, and she snapped her head up to see Kai walking in, taking one last puff from a cigarette between his lips before tossing it on the ground and smashing it out with his shoe.

She breathed heavily, watching him cautiously as he come around the corner in the most casual of ways. Daisy swallowed harshly as he looked around the pantry with a sigh.

"How are you feeling?" He asks, raising his eyebrows at her.

She thought for a second before she spoke, astonished by his idiocy. "How am I feeling?" She narrows her eyes at him.

He runs his tongue over his teeth annoyedly before turning to the shelves around him, beginning to scavenge through the boxes. "Are you hungry yet?" He asks. Daisy doesn't answer, just watches him as he peeks in to the boxes, shuffling through them. He turns to her with annoyed, bored eyes. "Hello?" He asks, waiting for a response.

"Just fuck off and let me starve here. You're gonna kill me anyways." She scoffs, turning her head away from him and letting it lazily lay atop her shoulders.

"Stop being dramatic." He spoke annoyedly, rolling his eyes and walking towards her. Daisy immediately flinched, pushing against the pipe to lessen the distance between them as much as she could.

Kai noticed her panic, and felt his heart sank a bit. He bent down and eyed her cautiously. "I'm gonna let you have a free hand. Is that okay?" He asks. "You need to eat and I don't really want to lose a finger."

Daisy watched him with stern eyes, and Kai took that as a go. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out another zip tie, and a pocket knife. Daisy, with a rapid heart beat, watched as Kai took the blade to the tie— and as soon as the release of the tie hit her wrists, she sprung to her feet, lunging towards him.

kai parker • villains of circumstance ✔️Where stories live. Discover now