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song: can i exist by missio

DAISY HAS SO MANY QUESTIONS, ones that sat at the tip of her tongue eagerly waiting to be answered- but she wanted to hurt him. It was the one emotion she felt right now that she was so sure of. The questions could wait, they could be answered by someone else. And her anger spoke for her, she straightened her back- looking at the boy in front of her with lifeless eyes, each word laced with venom. "I never want to see you again."

You could see his heart shattering with the frantic movements of his eyes, as they searched desperately for any sign of hope. "Daze..." He let out quietly.

He steps towards her, but when he saw her flinch- when he saw the hatred and anger in her eyes, he froze as he realized just how bad this really was.

"How long?" Daisy asked, not phased by the cold rain that was picking up speed, that almost sizzled against her skin which housed her now boiling blood. She took a step towards him instead, almost stomping. "How long did you know?"

Kai felt sick. He had so much he wanted to say, so much explaining to do, but he knew it was all useless. He knew nothing he had to say would bring any aid to her right now. He felt himself wanting to keep lying, wanting to play dumb, wanting to do anything that would calm her down right now— but he couldn't. He couldn't keep lying. He wanted to, but he couldn't.

"Since I found out you were still alive." Kai says. He spoke calmly, but his eyes were filled with such worry that it couldn't mask his attempt at appearing content. "In the prison world."

All she could do was let out a small scoff. It wasn't one that would usually be followed by a snarky remark, or a smile. It was a small scoff that was just a bodily reaction to the betrayal she felt. It carried no meaning, she wasn't even sure she chose to let it out— or if it was a scoff at all. Maybe it was a cry, she didn't know, as the rain was growing too strong to differentiate from the tears.

She wasn't sure what to say. She didn't want to turn and leave, not yet. She couldn't, because she knew she wanted more answers, more explanations— just something that would add even the slightest of reasoning to why he would do this to someone he claimed to love so much.

"All of this has been a lie." Daisy let's out, looking up at Kai with slightly narrowed eyebrows. It wasn't posed as a question, but Kai heard it as one. "Since the day you moved in next door."

He shook his head, rain falling from his now soaking wet hair. "It hasn't been a lie—" He says, stepping towards her, a bit more cautiously this time. "Daisy, please, I love you—"

Daisy didn't back away this time, she just looked up at him with wide angry eyes. "Do you really think that means anything to me now?" She asks.

Kai didn't say anything for a while, his mouth was gapped open, awaiting for something to come out. He had a million responses running through his mind, yet none of them would leave his lips. "I don't care." He said, and began to shake his head again. "I don't care— I love you. I know I do."

"You don't do this to someone you love." Daisy gets in his face, talking sternly as her lips trembled. "You don't use them like this. I—" Daisy stepped away, letting out a shaky breath. She felt like she was choking, and she brought her hand up to her throat and rubbed it as if to relieve some tension. "Why wouldn't you just tell me?" She asked, now just flat out confused.

"You'd leave." Kai said, with zero hesitation.

She takes a few breaths before responding. "And you think this was the better option?" She asks, pain straining her voice.

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