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MONA wasn't the one injured in the fire, not when it was Meredith who was in the storage space at the time. Of course, the woman suspected Aria and the girls had caused it, leading to Mr. Montgomery on a question in rampage. But the girls knew better. A was behind it. They always were.

So while Aria avoided her father at home, the rest of the girl snuck back into school, making their way back down to the basement. Spencer let out a sigh "Either there's something in that journal that explains why Aria's dad would meet up with Ali the night she died, or we have to believe Garrett's story."

"We couldn't do this at lunch tomorrow?" Haley grumbled, arms wrapped around her middle.

Emily looked to her with a raised eyebrow "Do you wanna run into Harold and his rusty bolt cutter again?

Haley shrugged in defence "The school basement is creepy at night.

"How does this prove anything Garrett says?" Hanna questioned "He was in Ali's room that night. Maybe he just made that stuff up from reading her journal."

Emily looked to her "Why? To stop us from thinking he did it?"

"Garrett was shot because he talked." Spencer pointed out "Kinda makes me believe he was telling the truth.

Hanna sighed "I really hope it's not true about Aria's dad. I have enough daddy issues of my own. I can't deal with having issues about hers, too."

"All right, you guys go in." Haley nodded towards the door to Harolds office "I'll keep watch."

The Marin girl stood with her back to the door, eyes wearily searching up and down the hall for any sign of Harold, and part her was looking for Wilden too. She knew no matter how much she thought she was rid of him, he would never really go away.

She didn't break out of her thoughts until Spencer screamed "Haley, look out!"

The brunette let out a gasp as she spun, a figure clad in black colliding into her and her wide eyes looked up to meet an all too familiar face. Lucas. She watched him run off up the stairs as the girls rushed out to check her over. Spencer frowned "Did you see anything?"

Haley tore her eyes away from his retreating back and shook her head "I-I didn't get a good look."

"Guys." The three turned to see Hanna staring into the office "Where's all of Harold's stuff?"

Haley blew out a breath "It's like he was never here."

"Look, there's Ali's journal." Emily grabbed it "Come on, let's go.

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now