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AFTER searching for any sign of Emily all the night, they finally tracked her down after her mother got in contact to say she was in the hospital. But after a few stiches to the head and brace around her wrist, she was sent home to recover in bed for the day.

"It was all in his shrinks file." Aria revealed to injured Fields girl "Toby and Jenna had a relationship."

"Way beyond step-siblings." Spencer muttered in distain.

Haley's head tilted as she sat straddling the desk chair "They were... involved."

"Romantically?" Emily looked between her three present friends with a frown of disbelief.

Spencer snorted "I don't think I'd call it romantic. I doubt she had much of a choice."

"You can just assume something like that, Spence." Haley sent her a look only to get an eyeroll.

Aria looked to Emily "That's what Alison saw when she threw the stink bomb."

"And she threatened to expose Toby, which is probably why he wanted her dead." The Hasting's girl concluded.

"And not just her." Aria spoke carefully "Us. And you."

Emily hesitated, earning a stare of dibelief from Spencer "You don't believe us?"

"I do, I—-" she shook her head "I just don't get it. If Toby killed Alison and wanted to do the same to me then why am I sitting in my bed and not in a body bag?"

"And why would he take you to the hospital and leave you there?" Haley mused, nothing adding up any more "God, this is giving me a headache."

Spencer looked to Emily "What happened with the police?"

"I told them that when I went out for air, I tripped."

Aria's eyes widened "Why didn't you just tell them he attacked you?"

"I didn't wanna say anything until I talked to you guys first."

"Well the truth is in the file." Spencer pointed out before looking to Haley "Speaking of, where's Hanna?"

Haley let out a sigh "She and Sean had makeup pictures to take for the yearbook. She should be here—" the Marin girl's lips pursed as said blonde rushed into the room "right now."

"Who knew Rosewood had this many cops?" Hanna huffed as she slipped the file out from under her shirt "I went to go put this back and they were at the office, talking to Toby's shrink. They know this was stolen."

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