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FOLLOWING Mona's surprise confession, the twins spent the night at Spencer's wondering just what effect it would have on their smother's case. Something they'd planned on asking Veronica at breakfast but when they went downstairs after a restless nights sleep, they found the house empty.

It wasn't until mid morning did Veronica return through the kitchen door and Spencer hopped to her feet, Haley and Hanna following suit "Hey. Where were you?"

"I went back to the station to see what I could find out."

Haley raised a hopeful eyebrow "And?"

"Apparently after we left last night, Mona made a full confession." Veronica sighed, looking between them "Did you girls put her up to this thinking it would somehow help Ashley?"

"Of course not." Spencer frowned as Hanna looked to her sister who tested up "Mom, we would never do anything that stupid.,

Veronica sighed tiredly "I knew Mona was devious, but this is beyond anything I ever thought she was capable of.,

Spencer frowned "What makes you so sure that she didn't do it?"

"Things she said in her confession contradict some of the evidence. " Veronica turned to Haley knowing out of all the girls, she was the closest to her before everything happened "Do you have any idea why Mona would do this?"

"No." She swallowed thickly, hating lying to the woman who only wanted to help "No, honest."

Veronica shook her head "I hope not, because if you girls are involved in any way, it will really hurt your mother's case."

When her mother headed upstairs, Spencer turned to the twins who's guilty expressions said all that needed to be said "Please tell me you had nothing to do with this."

Haley sighed "I can't."

ASHLEY was in a state of disbelief as sat back in the metal chair, Veronica sitting across from her with her daughters after they'd delivered the news "Nobody confesses to a murder they didn't commit."

Haley scratched at her wrists anxiously "I think Mona was just trying to help."

"You send care packages with fresh soap and new underwear if you want to help." Ashley argued "You don't volunteer to spend your life in prison."

"Whatever Mona was trying to do, she certainly got judge Reilly's attention." Veronica admitted.

Ashley frowned as she turned to her "What do you mean?"

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