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"HOW bad did your mom bust you over wrecking Sean's car?"

Hanna huffed at Emily's question as the five friends made their way towards the site they'd scouted for Alison's memorial "Okay, I did not wreck it, I damaged it. At least it kept her from figuring out who Haley spent the night with—"

"Hanna!" Her sister looked to her exasperated as their friends looked to Haley in interest.

Hanna gave her a sheepish smile "My bad."

"Uh, spill." Aria smiled, gripping onto the brunette's arms "We need details."

"Who, what, when, where." Spencer added.

Emily shot her a look "Well, I don't think we really need to know what..."

Haley sighed in defeat "Look, it's not a big deal, but it was at the party and well, Noel and I hooked up."

"Noel?" Spencer blinked "Noel Kahn?"

Haley bit her lip as she looked to Aria "You're not mad are you? 'Cause I know you had a crush on him—"

"Oh, please." Aria held up her hands with a smile "That is old news. So are you guys together or—?"

"Oh, no." Haley was quick to scoff "It was just two friends..."

"Scratching an itch?" Spencer suggested.

Emily's nose wrinkled "Gross. Did you have to put it like that??

"Having fun." Haley rolled her eyes as she corrected the Hastings girl before smirking "You'll understand when you're older."

"I'm older than you." Spencer scoffed in amusement before sighing "Where were we?"

Aria shook her head with a smile before gesturing to the bench "Okay, so the town is gonna put in a new bench. We'll plant the flowerbeds, and there's gonna be a pathway of art tiles."

"Art tiles?" Spencer questioned as she took a seat.


"Messages, pictures, memories of Alison." Emily added.

Hanna smiled sarcastically "Aw, like little headstones."


Haley looked to Aria at her scolding tone "What? She's kinda right."

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now