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EVERYTHING was falling apart, but at that moment, nothing was doing so more than Hanna. The Marin girl sobbed into her sister's lap, her heart broken and relationship shattered.

"I was going to tell him about A but they sent me a photo." She choked out between sobs "A ran Caleb's mom off the road in Montecito. I have to keep him safe and the only way to do that is not tell him. But he broke up with me."

"We'll fix it, okay?" Haley assured, placing a kiss on the top of Hanna's head "I promise, Banana."

A buzz of her cellphone had her reach over and grab it, eyebrows furrowing at the text from Spencer.

Melissa's home.
Abort plan.
Will explain later.

Haley let out a sigh at yet another thing falling apart. First it was their story at the lakehouse, for Wilden knew they were lying. He'd told Spencer as much. But what was next? God, she didn't want to know.

SCHOOL was the last place she wanted to be, but with Hanna skipping she knew she'd need to cover for her sister. And so she spent the morning sitting in the courtyard with an extra large cup of coffee while Emily filled her in on what she and her sister had missed.

"Wait, so A was watching the ambulance take Garrett's mother away?"

The Field's girl nodded with a sigh "Yeah, Spence thinks A might've wanted Mrs. Reynolds out of the house."

"Damn." Haley shook her head "What else did I miss?"

"I em, well I met Maya's cousin." She watched the Marin girl's head shoot up, eye's wide "Nate, he moved to Rosewood. He's going to college at Hollis."

"Wow." Haley blinked "What's he like?"

She shrugged "I just met him but he was close to Maya. He has all these stories."

"I'm sure he'd like to hear yours."

"You think so?" Emily tucked a strand of hair behind her ear with a shy smile "It would be nice... to talk to someone who knew her as much as I did."

"You should." Haley assured with an encouraging smile "You light up when you do."

Emily opened her mouth to respond when she spotted an all too familiar figure walking through the halls without a cane or sunglasses "What is Jenna doing?"

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now