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NOEL had led them to an apartment in New York after they'd been forced to give him their phones, but as her sister and friends sat anxiously on the couch, she stood before him, arms folded across her chest "You knew? You knew this whole time that Alison was alive? How could you not tell me?"

Noel sighed "I wanted to. I mean, I tried, but I-I couldn't."

"Why?" She stressed "Why couldn't you tell me?"

Noel opened his mouth to respond when his phone suddenly rang and he sighed before turning away to answer it "Yeah?" He listened for a moment before hanging up and glancing at Haley "Stay here. I'll be right back."

The girls watched him leave before Aria scoffed "I cannot believe we let Noel bring us here."

Hanna sighed "Do we think she's even coming?"

"I don't know, when I saw it was him instead of Ali, I thought for sure this was a trap." Spencer admitted.

"Probably is and we're just sitting here like geese." Hanna grumbled.

Spencer glanced at her "Ducks."

She frowned "What?"

"You sit like lame ducks." Spencer corrected "Not geese."

"Okay, well, whatever, they both quack."

Spencer sighed "Geese honk."

Emily frowned "Why would Ali trust Noel Kahn?"

Haley opened her mouth respond when another voice beat her to it "Because he has secrets, too."

Haley stood frozen by the window as Alison walked in and the rest of the girls shot to their feet as Hanna shook her head "I want to hug you and slap you at the same time."

"I could use a hug." Alison admitted tearfully.

The blondes clashes together in a warm embrace before Alison made her way through the rest of the girls until only Haley and Spencer remained. Alison sighed as she looked to the Hastings girl "I'm glad you're here, Spencer."

"Why?" She croaked out "I'm the one you can't trust."

"I need your help." Alison admitted "Now that the cops know that I'm not the one they buried, they're gonna start looking again. And until I know who 'A' is, I can't come home."

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now