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FEELING the weight of the world upon her shoulder's Haley made her way into the school courtyard for their daily coffee before class when Spencer perked up at the sight of brown haired Marin "Haley! Where were you last night?"

"We tried to call you about going to the cops." Aria frowned, watching the visibly exhausted girl take a seat "Did you even sleep?"

Hanna watched her sister scramble for an excuse, and even though her stomach twisted at the mere thought of her spending another night with Wilden, she had her sister's back "It's a good thing you never made it, Spencer parents think she's nuts."

"Unstable. They want me to talk to a shrink." The Hastings girl huffed before shaking his head "Ian and Melissa are playing along with it, they think I'm sick."

"Ian is the sick one." Emily scoffed "He's an adult who preyed on teenage girls."

"Well I have no proof." Spencer sighed "Which is why I have to get into room 214."

Haley's eyebrows furrowed "Is that a euphemism?"

"Spencer thinks Jenna has a room at the Edgewood Motor Court." Hanna explained.

Aria let out a sigh "I still can't believe it was an A set up."

"I can." Haley mumbled, her eyes glancing to her phone as her thumb ran over the unread message from the unknown "It's always a set up."

CALEB had become a fixture in the Marin twins life, and while Haley was behind happy for her sister, she could've done without the obnoxious displays of affection when in her company "God, let me at least eat something before you guys make me throw up."

Hanna and Caleb smiled as they pulled away from the kiss, following Haley into the kitchen "Okay, okay, you want mac and cheese—" the blonde trailed off as the three stopped, finding Ashley sitting by the counter "Mom... What are you doing here? I thought you were working late."

"It's time to say goodbye, Caleb."

Haley looked between her mom and the boy "But he just got here."

"You mean he just got back." Ashley scoffed before kicking Caleb's bag out from under her chair "Found this in the basement."

"I should go." Caleb muttered, picking it up.

"No, don't leave."
"Excellent idea."

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now