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LYING was taking it's toll on Haley, and in a town like Rosewood, there was oh so much of it. Aria was lying to her parents and using a newly returned Holden Strauss as an alibi to meet up with Ezra after they'd finally been told of their daughter's relationship. Noel had been lying to Mona and moved onto Jenna, leaving the Vanderwaal girl and Garrett in the broken hearted dust. Toby had been working on the Hasting's scaffolding that collapsed, resulting in a broken arm and concussion courtesy of A. But Toby had had enough of the secrets, and returned the truck Spencer had bought him and left. Left her. Left town.

Haley wished she could tell Lucas the truth. Her friends. Even her mother. She was so tired of having to lie to everyone. But as the usual went in Rosewood, everyone had been lying to her and to Hanna. Caleb, the girls. They'd lied about keeping him out of cracking A's phone, until A intervened and spilled all to Hanna, leaving the Marin girl with no choice but to tell him the truth about their mother's thievery before A did. Before A went to the police.

But that was the least of their worries, for it was Kate's first day at Rosesood High.

"So, today is Doomsday, huh?" Spencer questioned the twins carefully as they sat down in the cafeteria for breakfast.

"Why?" Hanna panicked, looking around wildly "Did you see her?"

Emily frowned "Han, maybe Kate wants to start fresh."

"Yeah, a fresh battle." Haley scoffed, taking a gulp of her coffee.

"The last time I gave her the benefit of the doubt I ended up blowing chunks on my chunky heels." Hanna sighed heavily.

"Hanna? Haley?"

"Kate." They greeted in sync, Haley monotonous while Hanna continued with a tight smile "Welcome to Rosewood High."

"Thanks." The blonde looked to their friends "Hi, I'm Kate."

Haley got to her feet "And I'm out of here."

THE Marin girl rubbed at her temples as she sat in social studies, drowning out the sound of classmates chatter as they worked on their projects. Lucas let out a sigh as he looked over at his partner "Are you sick?"

She was certainly sick of everything "No, no, just a headache."

"Okay, turn around." Lucas urged her to turn to face away from him "Come on."

Haley did so with a sigh "What are you doing?"

"Your ponytail, it can cause too much strain on your scalp." He carefully released her hair from it's confines, running his fingers gently over her head.

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now