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IN the small, picturesque town of Rosewood, Pennsylvania, five teenage girls on the brink their sophomore year in high school drowned out the crashing thunder storm with the music turned on as high is it would go. Rambunctious laughs tumbled out of their mouths, the stolen alcohol slipping passed their lips as they made themselves comfortable in the safety of the Hastings family barn.

Hanna Marin watched with her lower lip nestled between her teeth as her twin sister poured yet another glass "Maybe you should slow down, Haley. Mom will notice if you come home with a hangover."

"Relax, Banana." The faux blonde teen teased as the rest of their friends giggled drunkenly "She's too preoccupied with dad to notice anything these days."

The natural blonde twin frowned as she thought of their fighting parents. They didn't even try to hide the arguments from the girls anymore. Haley sighed as she noticed her expression and stood from the couch to go sit by the girl, wrapping her arm around her with slight difficulty "Everything will be fine, little sister."

Hanna rolled her eyes but smiled "You're only older by five minutes."

"Best five minutes of my life." Haley teased making the rest of the girls laugh once again.

The host of the night opened her mouth to say something when suddenly the power cut out, taking the light, music and illusion of safety away from them "What the—"

"Spence, do you have some candles?" Haley questioned, pulling Hanna closer to her side when her sister jumped in fright.

Emily Fields looked around nervously, her dark eyes drifting towards the window where a trees branch beat harshly against the glass "What happened?"

"It must be the storm." Spencer mused as she spread some lit candles around the barn.

A thud from outside had the five freeze before Aria Montgomery looked to her friend, a strand of her faux pink hair twirled between her fingers anxiously "Somethings out there."

"Guys..." Hanna spoke up and all eyes followed hers to see the barn door slowly creak open.

Standing in a huddle, hands wrapped around each others arms, the five slowly made their way forward with Aria leading as the only one who brought a torch. They each let out a shriek as glass shattered outside, and Haley could hear her own heartbeat thundering in her ears.

Just one more step and they'd be at the door.


Five shrieks from frightened girls had their illustrious leader grin proudly "God, you should see your faces."

"That is so not funny, Alison!"

The DiLaurentis girl rolled her eyes at Spencer "I thought it was hilarious, girls."

As the girls returned to their seats, Hanna looked to the golden haired girl "Ali, did you download the new Beyoncé?"

"Not yet."

Emily grinned shyly "I'm loving her new video."

Alison raised a knowing eyebrow "Maybe a little too much, Em."

The girl's giggled uncomfortably, none understanding the dig before Alison grabbed a cup, holding onto it for a moment before smirking as she leant forward to pass it to Aria "Your turn. Go on."

Spencer chuckled as the artistic girl took a big gulp "Careful, Aria. Take too much and you'll tell us all your secrets."

Alison smiled as the girl's giggled once again "Friend's share secrets. That's what keeps us close."

HALEY let out a groan as she felt hands shake her shoulder roughly, burying her head further into the pillow she'd swiped from the couch "Five more minutes, mom."

"Haley, please wake up."

At the panicked tone her sister's voice, Haley sobered quickly, brown eyes shooting open "W-what's wrong?"

"It's Ali and Spence," Aria spoke up "we can't find them."

Haley's eyebrows furrowed as she looked between the faces of her concerned friends and sister "What do you mean—"

"Spencer!" Emily gasped as the Hastings girl stumbled into the barn in a daze, face pale "Where's Ali?"

"I looked everywhere." Spencer glanced between her friends "She's gone."

Aria nearly scoffed, mostly from fear "What do you mean 'she's gone'?"

"She's not here." Spencer swallowed thickly as she looked between each of her friends "I uh, I think I heard her scream."

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