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THE Marin twins were at a loss, left stumped in disbelief as both Caleb and Lucas pulled them aside before school. They'd gone to see the girls father, questioning Ashley's visit back to Rosewood the night of Darren Wilden's murder. And they'd found something. Ashley had gone to her ex-husband in search of money, and instead of losing cash, Tom only lost one thing.

"So he thinks she stole his gun?" Haley questioned with a frown. Why would her mother need a gun if not to shoot Detective Wilden?

"He's not sure." Caleb admitted.

Lucas nodded "It could've been missing before she got there."

"He just knows it was gone after she left."

Hanna shook her head "No, it's not possible."

"It's beyond possible." Caleb argued "It's what happened. Your dad owned a .38. If it turns out Wilden was shot with a .38 your mom has a lot more to explain that not having an alibi."

Lucas turned to Haley "The gun you fired, what was it?"

"Heavy?" She tossed her arms up in frustration before turning away from the boy "I don't know. It's like cars, I go by color."

"Hey, it's okay, we're gonna figure this out." Lucas assured, turning her around to face him as his hands slipped into hers and squeezed.

Haley had her eyes on their interlocked hands before she lifted her gaze to meet his unsurely "And what if the answer is I did it?"

Lucas inhaled sharply, hand squeezing hers once more "Then we'll do everything we can to make sure no one else finds out."

Nodding with a slight smile, Haley watched the boy go before turning back only to see Hanna and Caleb with matching smirks "What?"

"You two seem pretty cosy again." The Rivers boy mused.

"It feels good, him knowing everything and there being no more secrets, but..." She trailed off with a sigh.

Hanna frowned "But what?"

Haley returned the expression "But I don't know if he's even still interested."

The couple scoffed in sync making her eyes widen as Caleb questioned "Are you kidding?"

Hanna shook her head "Look, the real question is, are you?"

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now