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FOLDING programmes for a charity fashion in Emily's bedroom seemed frivolous on account of their latest encounter with A, but Spencer was determined to continue on with life.

"Why would A show us that part of the video?" Aria questioned, unable to stray from the subject for too long.

Hanna let out a sigh "To keep us distracted for when the next attack is launched."

"Or to tell us there's more to what happened that night." Emily added.

"Guys, Ian tried to kill me I'm the bell tower to get back his perverted videos and he went after Ali for the same reason." Spencer argued.

Haley shook her head "Yeah, but A had us convinced that Ian killed Alison."

"And now it's what, two miles from the Kissing Rock to Ali's house? I mean did she turn off the camera and walk home in the dark alone?" Emily continued.

"Yeah, someone could've been waiting for her and surprised her when she got home." Hanna agreed,

Aria frowned "Like who?"

"Like Ian." Spencer snapped "Just because he didn't kill Alison at the Kissing Rock doesn't mean he didn't do it an hour later."

"Maybe, but maybe not Spence." Haley sighed softly.

"If Ian didn't kill Ali, did A?" Hanna questioned and the group fell into a tense silence before she quickly cleared her throat and looked to Aria "So, did you invite Ezra to the show?"

Aria let out a sigh "No, he's out of town presenting a paper at a conference. Did you invite Caleb?"

"Why would I do that?"

"Because you guys do everything together." Haley snarked, aggressively folding a programme. Including interventions...

"And you kissed him." Spencer added, taking the programme away from Haley with a look.

Emily smiled at Hanna "How was it?"

"Well, I wore the total wrong gloss. The kind that looks wet, but it's really sticky."

"Tragic." Haley mumbled.

Aria looked between the twins with a frown "What's going on with you two?"

"Nothing." They replied in sync, shooting a glance at each other.

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now