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NIGHT swept across the sky, storm clouds raging overheard as water poured from the Heaven's like mother nature's grief. Her eyes were wide, as she lay down, the stars disappearing from view one by one.

"So hush my darling, until morning comes."

"Mona?" Haley looked up unable to move, to see the girl dressed head-to-toe in black, shovel in hand as she continued to sing.

"Rest with me until we see the sun."

"Stop!" Haley cried as Mona piled the dirt on top of her, encasing further into the ground. Into the grave "Mona, please! You're my friend!"

"No need to cry, for here I will stay until you are... fast... dead."

Haley felt a presence beside her and froze, her heart hammering inside her chest before slowly she turned her head to the left. When her eye's met a clouded but familiar blue, her breath hitched in fear.

A decomposing Alison DiLaurentis smiled, blood pouring from her head as dirt sprouted from her lungs "I missed you, Sweetie."

A scream tore from Haley's mouth just as the last pile of dirt rendered her into eternal darkness.

With a jolt, Haley gasped awake, sitting up in bed, her skin soaked and hands shaking. She looked around her darkened room, to the time on her alarm clock. Running her hands over her face and through her matted hair, Haley let out a shaky sigh, whispering to herself for no one else to hear.

"Last night never happened."

24 hours earlier...

A storm raged across all of Rosewood, almost like an eerie echo of the night that Alison DiLaurentis disappeared two years before. But instead of drinking in the Hastings barn like the girl's did that night, they drank inside the house.

"Em, you and I are the only ones who did anything worth talking about this summer." Hanna taunted playfully "I mean, Aria took some boring picture class and Spencer went to college."

"I took a full load at Hollis and Aria beat out a thousand applicants for a space in that photography class." Spencer defended.

Hanna rolled her eyes before looking to the Field's girl who sipped her drink "So, how many houses did you build?"

"Um, I think we finished about six."

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now