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GATHERED in the Apple Rose Grille, the girls listened as Spencer filled them in "Cops found fibres matching Toby's sweater that Alison was wearing that night on my bracelet, the one Ali gave me with my name."

"Do you think somebody rubbed that sweater on your bracelet?" Aria's eyebrows furrowed deeply.

"Somebody?" Emily scoffed "Try Ian. He's doing everything he can to make you look guilty. Your parents should hire you a 24-hour bodyguard."

Aria glanced to Hanna who was comfort eating a plate of nachos "What about Jenna? What if she laid Caleb to get that bracelet and—"

"Wait, when was Caleb in Spencer's house?" Haley frowned.

"He doesn't need an invitation." Aria pointed out "He broke into a vending machine with a spork."

Haley's eyebrows raised "There's a big difference between stealing snacks and framing somebody for murder."

"Why are you defending him after what he did to Hanna?"

"I'm not." Haley sighed quickly "I'm just saying we've jumped to conclusion's before and we were wrong. Very wrong."

Spencer sat up straight, her eyes narrowing on the window "Guys, I think somebody's watching us."

After turning to follow their friends line of sight and spotting the dressed up figures in the street, Emily sighed in relief "They're for the Founder's Festival."

"Man, if that's what Rosewood's founding family looked like how did they ever get anyone to move here?" Aria snorted.

"And why were they allowed to reproduce?" Spencer added in amusement.

Haley's hand's subconsciously moved to her stomach at the thought as Emily sighed, getting back on track "Guys, if Caleb was—"

"Can we stop using the C-word?" Hanna snapped, stuffing another chip into her mouth.

Aria sighed softly "We know this is hard for you, okay, but we have to talk about Ca— Him."

"If we want to help Spencer we have to know what Caleb knows." Haley pointed out gently, grabbing her sister's hand.

Aria nodded quickly "Maybe we can corner him in school in a Jenna free zone—"

"If Caleb's gonna talk to anybody, it's gonna be me."

Emily raised an eyebrow at Hanna "Will you do it?"

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now