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PLANNING for college wasn't something Haley wanted to be doing, not when she thought there was a high chance she wouldn't make it that far. But it was something her mom wanted and so she'd apply, do all the work necessary to keep her as happy as she could be behind bars, which is why she'd agreed to meet up with Ezra for some guidances and help with her applications.

Ezra sighed, sitting forward in his classroom desk chair as he looked at his laptop "Okay, let's see. First off, you've got your Ivy Leagues—"

"Isn't that just a waste of time?" Haley snorted and he paused, looking her way "My grades aren't exactly stand out, I barely passed English. I mean if it wasn't for you..."

"You should give yourself more credit." He admonished gently "Look, colleges care about more than grades. What about hobbies? Extra Curricular's?"

Haley shook her head "I haven't exactly had time to be a cheerleader but I've got yearbook, I guess."

"That's something." Ezra assured "What about your essays? I mean, not many people can write about a stalker."

"In America?"

Ezra couldn't help but chuckle as he nodded "Right. Okay, is there anything else?" He watched her shrug, eyes unfocused "What's going on up there, Haley? I know it's more than your mom's hearing today."

Haley blew out a breath "How about the fact someone drove into Emily's house last night and almost killed her mom?"

"Is that what you're thinking about?"

"No." She admitted quietly after a moment before turning to him "Does that make me a bad person?"

He shook his head "No, of course not. Clearly whatever's bothering you is important."

Haley hesitated "If I tell you stuff, you can't tell anyone right? Like under oath or something?"

"I mean I'm not a lawyer," he began "but I'm also not a snitch."

Haley smiled at that making him return it before she took a deep breath, fiddling with her fingers "The girls think I should talk to someone, like a therapist or a something. But I know they'd have to report what I tell them so I can't. And I can't talk to the girls because they have enough going on. And I can't talk to my mom... I just feel so alone."

"You are not alone." Ezra assured, setting his laptop aside before he rounded the table to take a seat beside her "Okay? You can talk to me."

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