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WHILE Spencer had gathered the money from 'a relative who didn't want to be named' and went to meet Jonah with Aria, Haley headed to Rosewood Mall with Mona to try and make up for Hanna bailing on their plans to see Caleb before he left to see his mother.

Mona was rambling about dress choice's as Haley mindlessly grabbed hold of a shirt before the Vanderwaal girl said something that had her head snap over "What did you just say?"

Mona simply sighed before handing the girl her phone, watching as Haley's eye's widened in horror at the message from A "I started getting them a few days ago. It's so creepy, like I'm being watched 24/7."

"Them?" She questioned, watching Mona take her phone back "There's more than one?"

"Yeah, at first it was dumb stuff. Accusing me of stealing this necklace." She gestured to the bling around her neck.

Haley shot her a look "You did."

"So not the point." Mona rolled her eyes "It's not their business. Like I'm gonna be scared into returning it. Guess again."

The Marin girl sighed shakily "Is there anything else?"

"Yeah, ready for this one." She held up her phone and Haley's veins turned to ice as she looked upon the picture of she and Darren, the Wilden man's lip's working against her neck as she stood in her bedroom "Nice photoshop freak. This A creep really expects me to believe you slept with this goon to save Hanna's ass."

Haley was frozen. This wasn't happening.

Mona's face fell in realisation "Oh my God, you did."

"You can't tell anyone Mona." Haley snapped out of it, reaching for her arm desperately "Please."

"Hey." Mona frowned in reassurance "If I could live through Alison DiLaurentis and her non-stop torture, I can handle some radioactive texting. Your dirty little secret is safe with me."

The Marin girl slumped in relief "Thank you."

"What are friends for?"

THE second Spencer and Aria had returned from their meeting with Jonah, Haley sent out an emergency S.O.S to bring the pair over to her room where they joined Emily and Hanna.

"Seriously, what's with the pacing?" Hanna questioned her sister, watching her wear a hole into her carpet "You're freaking me out."

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now