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AS Haley stepped into the Montgomery house, her eyes widened at the sight of crowd mingling around the living room, half eaten pizza, empty beer bottles and plastic cups strewn around the place as the music pumped loudly in the background.

"Haley, hey, you made it."

The Marin girl turned to Mike as he approached, allowing him to pull her into a hug "Yeah, I uh, thought it was just a group hangout?"

"It is." He confirmed, looking around sheepishly "It's just the group... and the lacrosse team... and the cheerleaders. You know, my closest, personal friends."

The pair chuckled before she raised an eyebrow "Does Aria know about your party?"

"Not exactly." He admitted "But she's at that stupid movie with Emily, anyway. She'll never know."

"Big sisters always know." Haley clapped him on the shoulder before heading towards the kitchen in search of something to drink and she smiled slightly as the spotted the familiar boy leaning against the sink "Hey, Noel."

Noel smirked "What's up Marin?"

"Not much." She hopped up to sit beside him "You're hanging out with Aria's brother now, huh?"

"Same team." He shrugged "Besides, he's a good kid."

Haley smiled "Yeah he is."

The pair settled into a silence before Noel sipped from his cup "So you and the yearbook dork, huh?"

"What about it?" She challenged.

"Nothing." He assured, holding up his hands "You just seem happier. It's nice."

Haley grinned softly "I am. He's really good to me."

"You deserve it." Noel bumped her shoulder "But just remember, if he ever steps a toe out of line, you tell me and I'll sort his ass out."

"Ooh, I didn't know you played that way, Kahn." She smirked and he scoffed before she chuckled, settling down as she turned to him, nudging him in turn "Thank you."

His eyebrows furrowed "For what?"

"Just... for being there."

Noel's face softened before he reached over and kisses her forehead "Always will be."

Haley smiled before her phone started buzzing and she looked down to see Spencer's name flashing across the screen "Excuse me." The Marin girl hopped down before heading out onto the back porch "Hey."

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now