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WHEN Haley awoke to the sound of her phone buzzing, the girl groaned and blindly reached for it only to frown as she didn't feel her beside table. Peeling open her eyes, she froze at the sight of the dark wood furniture and blue plaid bedding before registering the arm wrapped around her waist. Haley sighed in relief as she remembered the events of the night before.


Checking her missed messages, Haley sighed before turning to peer down at the sleeping Gottesman boy, a smile creeping onto her lips as he reached over and rested her hand upon his face, stroking her thumb across his cheekbone. The boy began to stir under her touch as he leant into it, pulling Haley closer until she was resting on his chest and he sighed "Pinch me."

"What?" She chuckled bemused "Why?"

"Because I must be dreaming." His eyes flickered open, meeting her gaze as one hand remained locked around her waist, the other reaching up to tuck her hair behind her ear "You're in my bed, in my shirt," he glanced to the old grey spider man shirt she'd borrowed "and you spent the entire night in my arms."

Haley's smiled widened before she leant down, connecting her lips with his before peeling back "Does that still feel like a dream?"

"Best one ever."

Haley chuckled before trying to get up "I have to go meet the girls."

"No, not yet." He protested, pulling her back down "One more."

Haley smiled into the kiss, her knees moving to straddle him on either side as it deepened, one of his hands tangling in her hair as the other slipped under the hem of the shirt she was wearing, finger tips brushing her hip. Haley's moan turned into a giggle as the boy flipped them over, kissing down her neck before peering down at her with a goofy grin as he hovered over her "Hi."

The Marin girl smiled softly in return "Hi."

THE girls watched with raised eyebrows as Haley rushed into The Brew in an old hoodie and sweatpants that's were a little too big for her, plopping down into the arm chair beside the couch with a huff "Sorry I'm late."

"I got you a sweet tea." Aria told the girl, sliding the cup towards her before narrowing her eyes "Where did you go off to last night?"

"Yeah, because it certainly wasn't home." Hanna pointed out before frowning "And who's hideous clothes are they?"

Haley rolled her eyes at her jibe at the boy's wardrobe "Lucas', who I spent the night with."

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now