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SITTING at their usual table in the courtyard at lunch, Emily was catching up Aria and Spencer what she'd already told the twins over the phone. The furnace repair man had found evidence that someone had been hiding in the crawl space underneath the DiLaurentis house.

Aria was aghast at the idea "Do you actually think she's been living in that crawl space?"

"Aria, there was a sleeping bag."

"But napping isn't living."

Spencer snorted "Unless you're a reptile, which kind of describes Cece."

Emily sighed "At least the Cece that Mrs. DiLaurentis remembers."

"But not just Mrs. D." Aria reminded them in a hushed tone "Even Shana's scared of this girl."

"Yeah, well I'm scared of Shana." Emily rebuffed.

Aria scoffed "She's not the one who used Jenna's head as batting practice at your birthday party."

"Yeah, why is Cece going after Jenna?" Spencer questioned.

"Why would she go after any of us?" Aria responded in kind "We had nothing to do with her getting kicked out of college."

Spencer sighed "We have no idea what Ali could've told her."

"What could Ali have possibly said that would make Cece hate us enough to drill holes under Ali's house and stare up Emily's skirt?" Aria shot back.

Emily shivered with a frown "How am I supposed to live in that house?"

Aria blew out a slow breath "Hang out on the second floor."

"And wear underwear at all times." Spencer added just as Hanna and Haley made their way to the table.

"Hey." Aria greeted as they sat down on either side of her, Hanna setting her tray on the table as Haley stuck with a coffee  "Where you been?

Haley glanced to Spencer who lowered her gaze "With our mom. She uh, met another lawyer."

Emily perked up "How'd it go?"

"Not great." Hanna grumbled "They're all just bottom-feeders trying to make a name for themselves."

"There are other ones."

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now