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COME Monday morning, Haley was still feeling the after effects of her Saturday with a bottle of vodka but still, she had school and a sister who dragged her out of her bed in order to prepare for what they had to do after school. The twins had met up with Emily by her locker before heading to the restroom before class only to find Spencer splashing her face with water by the sinks.

But by the looks of her pale skin, the dark bags under her eyes and the mismatched shorts, hoodie and flip flop combination, Haley thought that Spencer looked about as bad as she felt.

"Uh, hey." Emily mumbled, eyeing the girl in concern.

"Hey." Spencer returned before raising an eyebrow at Haley "Where were you all weekend?"

Haley folded her arms across her stomach "I uh, went to Noel's party then I stayed at Lucas'."

And she had, spending the entire Sunday in his bed, sleeping off her raging hangover only to sneak off in the early hours of Monday when she woke up while he finally got some well earned rest. Haley couldn't face him, not like that.

"More importantly," Hanna scoffed, eyeing the Hastings girl "what are you wearing?

"It's nothing." She tugged at her hoodie "I-I had to change. And this is all I had in my gym locker."

Emily lowered her voice "Did you— did you have an accident?"

"What?" Spencer's eyes widened "No."

Hanna raised an eyebrow "Or are you going to? I mean what's up with those shower shoes?"

"Can you just forget about the outfit, okay." Spencer snapped "We have an emergency situation here."

Haley looked to her "Is that why you called me at 4 A.M.?" Thankfully, she was on her way home when the Hastings girl called.

"I... I must've just hit dial while I was asleep." Spencer shook her head "Look, okay, I know we said we were going to talk to Aria after school, but I really think we need to tell her about Ezra sooner. Like, now."

"What?" Emily gawked "Spencer, we can't tell her now."

She shrugged "The longer we wait, the more dangerous it becomes."

Hanna scoffed "And you think it's any less dangerous to drop a bomb like that while she's going into class? We can't do that to her."

"Do what? Protect her?" Spencer argued "Ezra spoke to me this morning and I could barely maintain eye contact. Meanwhile, for all we know right now, Aria is hooking up with him in some janitor's closet. How does that not make your skin crawl?"

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