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WHEN Haley awoke, fluorescent lights invaded her vision making her wince before a soft hand on her face had her flinch before sighing in relief "Mom."

Ashley placed a kiss on her eldest daughter's head before looking between her and a drowsy Hanna who smiled as she reached across the gap between their two beds to grab ahold of her sister's hand "When they find the maniac who did this to you two, I will kill him. After I kill him, I will sue him."

Haley shook her head, wincing at the pain it brought her skull "What's the damage?"

Ashley was quick to pull her daughters hand away from the back of her head "Be careful, you have stitches and a mild sprain." She sighed "You were very lucky. Hanna on the other hand, has a broken leg, a broken ankle, bruised ribs and they might have to remove her spleen."

Haley gasped, sitting up as best she could to look at her sister "Hanna!" She frowned guiltily "I-I, you pushed me out of the way."

The blonde shrugged lightly "You're always saving me, I figured it was about time I returned the favour."

"Never do that again." Haley scolded lightly "I'm the big sister."

The blonde rolled her eyes but still smiled before looking to their mother "Have you seen Aria or Spencer or Emily?"

"Yeah, they were all here. I sent them home. Sean was here, too." She looked to Haley "And a boy named Lucas. Who is he exactly?"

"My friend." Haley shrugged "He's the one who got me working on the yearbook."

Ashley eyed her unbelievingly "Mm."

"It doesn't matter." Hanna cut in "I need to call Spencer. They have to come back."

"That can wait."

Haley shook her head "No. No, mom, it can't."

Ashley frowned as she looked between her girls "I will call them, now relax."

HALEY had been officially discharged by the time her friends arrived, while her mom took a run home to grab her some fresh clothes. But a knock on the door stopped the girls from speaking as a nurse let herself in with a smile, a bunch of flowers in hand "These are for you sweetie." She handed them to a surprised Haley "A cute guy left them."

The Marin girl smiled slightly as her friends gasped excitedly before she looked to the card.
Get better soon, Hales.

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now