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IN a surprise turn of events, Pam Fields had asked Ashley if Emily could finish off the semester at the Marin's while she moved to Texas alone wanting her daughter to keep her promises scholarship

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IN a surprise turn of events, Pam Fields had asked Ashley if Emily could finish off the semester at the Marin's while she moved to Texas alone wanting her daughter to keep her promises scholarship. Something that was eating Emily alive. But the plans for the Fields girl to move into the guest room had been hold on when the pipes burst in the bathroom, soaking right through the wall leaving Emily no choice but to bunk with Hanna.

Something Haley had pat her shoulder and wished her luck with.

There was a reason Ashley had made sure to give her daughters two separate rooms and after just a few days, Emily was starting to see why. Between Hanna singing off key whilst she tried to study, the blonde's wardrobe and beauty products took over the entire room. 

But she wouldn't complain. Not out loud anyway.

And neither would Haley, for Emily had taken to make delicious home cooked meals every chance she got. But Emily's breakfast that morning was sitting right as she made her way through the hallways towards her locker, wincing at the cramp in her stomach.

Emily glanced over at the girl as she rubbed the heat cream into her shoulder after a rough swim practice the day before "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." She sighed, gripping onto her locker door slightly as she glanced to the raven haired girl "What about you? You seem tense."

Emily sighed, putting her cream back into her bag "It's just they've decided to do mandatory drug testing before meets after a girl from Ravenswood cheated during her heat."

Haley snorted "And you're worried about being caught out?"

"I know, I know." Emily sighed, leaning back against her locker "It's just like when you go through airport security. You know you haven't done anything wrong but it still makes you nervous."

"Yeah, I get it—" her breath hitched as she slumped over slightly, her knuckles turning white as she gripped the locker door.

Emily's eye's widened as she straightened up "Haley, what's wrong?"

"I don't— aah!"

"Haley!" Emily cried as her friend collapsed on the floor, falling to her knees beside her as she cupped a hand to her face, watching her friends eyes flutter open and closed "Haley, can you hear me? Haley!" She looked to their stunned peers in the hallway who all watched in concern "Somebody call 9-1-1!"

WHEN Haley woke up to the all too familiar fluorescent lighting of Rosewood Memorial, she felt an instant wave of panic, and then her doctor came into view, his hands gently gripping her arms as she shot up, eye's scouring the empty room "Haley, Haley it's okay, you're in the hospital."

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