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HANNA'S determination to keep Haley away from Wilden had been going to plan, even with the blonde stuck in detention for the rest of the week. If the elder Marin wasn't with Aria, she was with Emily, and if not her then Spencer.

That was how she found herself making her way through the Hasting's backyard to meet her friend to discuss her afternoon of tutoring Toby Cavanaugh. She was only a few feet away from the back porch when a branch snapped nearby and brunette girl spun, eyes narrowing towards the bushes "Oh God I can't believe I'm actually saying this but, hello? Is anyone there?"

When no one replied, the Marin girl let out a sigh of relief as she shook her head before turning back towards the house only to gasp as she bumped into a hard chest. Her heart hammered painfully against her rib cage as she brought her eyes up to the familiar blue "D-Darren."

"Where you been, Hales?" He questioned, jaw tight as his hands gripped her upper arms harshly "Haven't had a moment alone in a while, huh?"

"I-I uh—"

"Haley." Both heads snapped over to the barn were Melissa stood at the door, arms folded across her chest, a blank faced Ian behind her. The Hasting's girl nodded her head towards the barn "Spencer's not back yet, you can wait in here."

Darren stared at the couple for a moment before looking back to Haley who's breath hitched as he lowered his head to whisper in her ear "I'll see you soon, Baby."

As soon as his hands released her, Haley's own wrapped around her waist as she watched him stalk off through the backyard. It wasn't until a dainty hand touched her shoulder did she jump, spinning to face a frowning Melissa who simply ushered her towards her family home "Come on, let's make some hot chocolate, yeah?"

Haley looked between her friend's older sister to the man she married, the one she'd seen on the tape before the thought of being alone with Darren nearby consumed her and she nodded shakily. The Marin girl allowed Melissa to lead her inside, taking a seat at the kitchen island whilst Ian moved to lean against the counter as Melissa began heating up some milk. The Thomas man looked over the teenager, the one he knew suspected him but pushed it aside as he shook his head "What the hell are you doing with that guy?"

"Nothing." She shook her head, tucking a curl behind her ear "He uh—"

"Haley." Melissa cut her off as she turned to face the younger girl "Look, I don't know what's going on, and I honestly don't expect you would tell me, but trust me, you need to stay away from Darren Wilden."

Haley raised her gaze to meet Melissa's and the Hasting's girl could see the tiredness, the fear reflected in her eyes "I'm trying."

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