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GATHERED in the cafeteria, the girls crowded around Hanna's cellphone, staring at the picture of the pendant the blonde had found that morning. Aria smiled "Oh, it's so pretty Han, when did he give it to you?"

"He hasn't given it to me." Hanna admitted sheepishly "Not yet. I found it."

Haley raised an knowing eyebrow "In his backpack, wrapped up?"

"I wasn't looking for it." She defended "I just took a picture and put it back."

Emily's head titled curiously "Why an owl?"

Hanna's cheeks reddened "It's symbolic."

"Of what?"

Haley smirked at the Field's girl's question "Yeah, Han. Of what?"

"Of our first night in the tent." Hanna tossed a grape at her snickering sister "We heard owls."

"Swooping down time carry of their prey?" Aria teased.

Hanna rolled her eyes with a smile that wouldn't go away. That hadn't since that night "Okay, you cannot stomp the romance. Owls and tents and s'mores are all part of that night. Every perfect minute of it."

Haley's gaze drifted across the canteen to Lucas who typed furiously on his laptop, ignoring the chaos of high school around him and for a moment she'd allowed herself to wonder what sex would be like if it was with him. Someone sweet, kind, someone who truly liked her.

But that dream disappeared as Spencer arrived, taking the seat beside her "Hey, are you okay?"

"We didn't think you were coming in today." Aria admitted.

Spencer sighed tiredly "I had to be someplace other than my house."

"Are the cops still there?" Hanna questioned.

"They came and went last night." She shook her head "My mom says that they did it just to shake me up."

Haley frowned as she thought of the boxes she'd seen them carry "What'd they take?"

"Um, things from my jewellery box, medals, trophies, stuff from my closet, a coup,e pairs of shoes.l

"Wait, not the Tory Burches?" Hanna pleaded.

Aria shot her a look "Hanna."

"No, sneakers." Spencer assured with a chuckle "They wanted me laptop but my mum said no. It wasn't in the search warrant and they couldn't have it. Look, you guys should know there's a chance they might try and pull this on you."

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now