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AN ailing Aria sat bundled in soft blankets on the couch, Emily and Spencer sitting across from her in the girls living-room. Whilst Byron was away for a conference, he'd left Meredith to check in on his daughter.

The Marin twins were the last to arrive on account of bringing supplies and the brunette looked to Aria in concern as they let themselves inside "Hey. How's the patient?"

"Not great." She croaked through a congested nose.

"Well... we brought over everything that helps us when we're sick." Hanna handed her the supplies "Trash... Ginger ale... And three seasons of 'Saved by the Bell.'" The blonde paused and turned to her sister "You know, you always had a crush on Screech. I should've seen Lucas coming."

Haley rolled her eyes as the others laughed. They'd been delighted to hear Lucas was no more guilty of being A than they were but knew she was with Wren and so kept their comments about any hope of the couple rekindling their relationship to themselves.

She turned back to the Montgomery girl "Are you sure you want to stay here by yourself?"

"Guys, I'm fine."

Hanna shot her a look "You don't look fine."

"So I've heard."

Emily frowned "You sure you don't want us to drive you to your mom's?"

"No, it's her week with Mike, so the guest room's already taken." Aria sighed "And besides, I promised Meredith that I wouldn't tell her about Ali's diary until we talked to my dad, so if I just stay away from her, it's easier to keep that a secret."

Haley's nose scrunched "I can't believe we're trusting Meredith."

"I think she's really just as devastated as I am."

Spencer eyed her "You're not giving her the pages, right?"

"No, no, they're hidden in a safe place, and they'll stay there till my dad gets home." Aria sighed "Then we'll give him the chance to tell us the truth.

Hanna raised a blonde eyebrow "And if he doesn't?"

"I don't want to believe that my dad could have hurt Ali. But if he did do it..." she trailed off with a shaky sigh "This is a family secret that I can't keep."

THE last thing Haley expected when she got to her locker was for Hanna to unexpectedly pop up beside her "I have that interview so I need you to follow Caleb after school and see where he's going."

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