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HALEY'S nose scrunched up as she got a whiff of the Montgomery's girls musty bedroom, moving to crack a window as Spencer removed the pouting girls earphones "What are you doing?"

"An intervention."

Emily smiled softly at the girl "We brought take out and rag mags."

"But you cannot have any of those until you get out of these sweats." Hanna challenged.

Aria frowned down at her choice of attire "Why? What's wrong with these?"

"Nothing." Spencer mused with a raised eyebrow "Except they're starting to graft to your skin."

"They're comfy." Aria protested.

Haley sighed as she moved to sit beside the girl "Mike said you haven't left your bed all weekend."

"I'm wallowing."

"Well wallow your way to the closet so we can help you pick a homecoming dress." Emily chirped.

Aria shrugged "I'm not going."

"What do you mean you're not going?" Hanna frowned.

"Yeah, you can't just not go." Spencer added.

Haley looked to the girl knowingly "Got better plans?"

Aria shrugged, fiddling with the magazines "I don't know, I guess I'll just read these and inhale a gallon of Chunky Monkey."

Spencer sighed softly "Hey, look cutting yourself off from the rest of your life is not gonna help your parents. Besides, they still might work it out."

"They're barely speaking to each other." Aria pointed out.

"People get angry, they blow up." Emily argued "Doesn't mean it's over."

Hanna shot the girl a look "Emily, they didn't blow up over her dad missing their anniversary. He slept with one of his students." She sighed softly as she looked back to Aria "Sorry."

"I'm just saying things can look over on Friday and by Monday, all is forgiven." Emily defended "Some things just take time."

"Yeah. Maybe."

Haley raised an eyebrow at the girl "So, does that mean your coming to Homecoming?"

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now