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THE air surrounding the Marin twins was heavy, thick with tension, guilt, sadness. Dresses long forgotten and swapped for comfort, they'd been up half the night talking, sharing and as the words began to tumble from her lips, Haley started to feel lighter.

"It was the night I found out that dad was cheating on Mom. I was coming in late and they were arguing in the kitchen." She blew out a shaky breath as she recalled the night that started it all "And I just, went numb. I hated it. So I grabbed a bottle from moms secret stash and left. I don't know where I was going, or why I thought it would. But Darren... Wilden, he, uh, pulled up beside me, offered me a ride home." She smiled sadly to herself "He looked at me like a I wasn't just some stupid girl, so I kissed him. And it started to get too much and I ran... right into Alison."

"Ali?" Hanna gasped "She knew?"

"She saw everything. And she held it over my head right until she went missing. I just, didn't want to be the stupid kid who believed in happy ever after. Not after mom's crashed and burned around her." Haley frowned as she looked to her sister, knees pulled to her chest "He knows things, Han. Things that could put Mom away... I think he knows about the money. And me being with him protects her. Protects us."

Hanna frowned, her hand reaching out to her sisters arm "Haley... has he..."

She didn't need to say it. Haley knew what she meant. Her throat was thick as she shook her head slightly "I mean I started it, so I must've wanted it....he said I wanted it." Her voice trembled to a whisper as her lower lip wobbled as she finally admitted it out loud "I didn't want it."

Hanna's own tears slipped down her cheeks as she pulled her sister into her lap, her arms wrapped around her as she sobbed quietly into her soft sweatpants "You have to end it, Haley. Okay? This can't happen anymore."

She shot up, head shaking wildly in panic "I-I can't. He'll hurt mom, you. Lucas." She whispered "He'll hurt everyone."

Hanna let out a shaky breath as she raised her hands to cup Haley's face, staring into her tear filled eyes with the strongest sense of determination she'd ever felt "We'll fix this." I'll fix this "Just avoid him as much as you can. Make excuses, plans. You're not going to be alone with him again and then we'll get him put away. He's not going to get away with this. I promise you."

HALEY hadn't had a moment alone since telling Hanna the truth. Her sister had been right by her side, even to the bathroom. They knew they couldn't tell the girls, not without exposing their mother, so, they would keep it to themselves for now.

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now