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GETTING Hanna home from the hospital was a task Haley had taken very seriously when her mother bestowed it upon her. Of course, she couldn't drive with her injured wrist so she recruited her friends and so it became a team effort.

As Spencer, Aria and Emily carried in the girls belongings and various gift baskets, Haley pushed her sister into the kitchen before she caught sight of Hanna fiddling with the sticker that covered the message A had left on her cast "I know it's lame but don't take it off."

"I'm not." The blonde huffed "I'm trying to keep it on. Believe me, I don't want to see the autograph that's under it."

"We can get you another sticker." Spencer suggested.

Aria snorted "Yeah, this time why don't you try something mellower, like, 'save the planet,."

The Hastings girl crossed her arms in defence at her purchase "Hey. There were not a lot of choices. It was either Humpty Dumpty or 'Jesus is coming. Look busy.'"

"I don't even care right now." Hanna shook her head "I'm starving. I want a pop tart."

Haley rolled her eyes with a smile but complied as she went to the cupboard beside the fridge. She reached up for the sweet breakfast treats but managed to knock over a box of lasagna sheets. She sighed before picking it up from the floor only to freeze at the flash of green she saw inside. Glancing at her friends to make sure they were preoccupied with her sister, Haley peaked inside the box before her eyes widened and she held it to her chest.

"Haley?" Emily frowned "You okay?"

"Great." The Marin girl cleared her throat as she put on a fake smile "But you guys should probably get going. I promised my Mom I'd get Hanna set up on the couch before she got home."

Aria smiled "Oh, we can help—"

"No." Haley's smile tightened "Please, I-I need to do it myself."

Spencer nodded reluctantly, eyeing her friend "Sure. I guess we'll see you later?"

As soon as her friends were out the front door, Hanna turned to her sister "Okay, I hope you have a good reason or going all Dr. Heckle, Mr. Jyde."

"It's Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde." Haley shook her head before turning the pasta box upside down and letting the large stack of cash fall onto the counter top before looking to her gawking sister "Is this a good enough reason for you?"

Hanna opened her mouth to respond when their phones chimed in sync. Sharing a dreaded look, the pair pulled out their cells only to sigh at the sight of yet another message from A.

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now