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THE tension between Hanna and Aria had been finally relieved after the Montgomery girl thought over Haley's words. She had been right and it meant the five girls could sit together in peace as Spencer and Hanna prepared for their auditions for the fall production of The Bad Seed.

"Start with the line about the stolen medal." Spencer instructed Emily, massaging her glands.

Hanna's eyebrows furrowed as she looked over her fellow students waiting to try out themselves "Why isn't she wearing any shoes?"

"So she can look short enough to play and eight year old." Spencer quipped.

Haley smirked at the Montgomery girl "Aria would have that role in the bag."

"Hey!" The brunette cried as her friend chuckled before Spencer looked back to Emily for her line.

But the Fields girl couldn't find it as she searched through the script "I don't see anything about a medal."

"That's what the 8 year old killed her classmate for." Spencer sighed "The penmanship medal. That's why they call her the bad seed."

"Penmanship medal, really?" Hanna scoffed in disbelief.

Spencer's eye's narrowed "Didn't you read the whole play?"

When her sister looked away sheepishly and Spencer's gaze moved to her, Haley held up her hands in defence "Don't look at me, Hanna's the one trying out."

"Why do I have to read the whole play, anyway?" The blonde argued with a flippant shrug "I don't wanna be the bad seed's mother. I want to be the other one. The one who's drunk all the time."

Haley let out a mock gasp "Wow, life really does imitate art, huh?"

As the rest snickered, Spencer simply shook her head "No comment."

"Come on, are you still ragging on me for bringing a flask to the dance?" Hanna scoffed "I don't need another parent Spence, one's plenty."

Aria raised an eyebrow, looking between the twins "And has the one figured out Caleb is staying in her basement?"

Haley's lips pursed as she shared a look with her sister "No, but A has."
And Darren.

Emily's eye's widened "What are you gonna do?"

"Tell her before A gets to her." Hanna sighed "I'm just gonna ask her if Caleb can stay in the guest room."

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now