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HALEY nursed a cup of coffee, willing the pounding headache torturing her to disappear. But the Marin girl didn't know what was worse, the hangover or the thought of seeing Lucas. A nudge to her arm had her blink and turn to Aria "Sorry, what?"

"When was the last time your mom called you from New York?"

"Yesterday morning."

Hanna sighed "Who was that freaky woman at the funeral?"

"Which freaky woman?" Aria questioned "There was a couple, Han."

"The one in black with the veil, and she was just diving into that town car."

Emily turned to Spencer "Speaking of freaks, where's Melissa? Spencer?"

She looked up from the food she was reorganising on the table "What?"

"Where's your sister been?"

"D.C." Spencer responded slowly "She's interviewing for an internship."

Hanna scoffed "With who, Satan?"

"Wait a second." Aria looked to Emily "You think that Melissa was the woman in black?"

The Fields girl raised an eyebrow "Do you?"

"I didn't really get a good look at her." Aria admitted "I was trying not to wet myself when that new cop made a beeline over for us."

"Well, he can beeline all he wants." Hanna shot back "We didn't do anything to Wilden."

Haley shuffled uncomfortably as Aria hissed "Except for throw his car in a lake and leave fingerprints all over it when 'A' pulled it out." She sighed before watching the Hastings girl work "Spencer, what are you doing with my French fries?"

"I'm re-creating the geography around the lodge to see if it's even possible that the person who jumped out of the plane could rescue you three from a burning building." Spencer mapped it out before looking to Haley "You and Wilden were by the plane, right?"

"Right." She choked out, taking a deep gulp of coffee.

Hanna grabbed a mozzarella stick only to be stopped by Spencer "Wait, put that down."

"It's mine."

"No, it's not." Spencer grabbed it "It's a plane."

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now