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AS she washed her hands in the girl bathroom, Haley watched from the corner of her eyes as the sophomore beside her dried her hands before making her way to the door and as soon as it closed behind, four stalls opened up revealing her sister and friends who sighed in relief.

"We have got to find a better place to do this." Aria grumbled "Somewhere preferably with a fan."

"Good luck." Emily quipped "We're gonna have to dig a tunnel under the school."

Hanna eyed the Field's girls hands "Yeah, not with those. You need some serious moisturiser."

"This letter isn't that bad, Emily." Spencer passed the Danby University headed paper to Haley.

"It's bad." Emily huffed.

Haley looked up from the letter, handing it back to the girl "Won't your mom be impressed the scout even took the time to write one?"

"Here, use this." Hanna handed the girl a bottle of moisturiser "It cost more than my purse."

Emily sighed "Guys, it's a 'maybe' letter. My mom needs to see something real, something that says, 'Let her stay in Rosewood. We want her. Don't take her to Texas.'"

Aria gave her a sympathetic smile "There are other colleges."

"Yeah, other scouts will want want you." Spencer assured.

"When?" Emily frowned "My mom's already packed up the whole kitchen. She keeps telling me how much I'm going to like the rodeo."

Haley sighed as the sound of chatter in the hallway grew louder "Let's just do this later."

"What about after school?" Hanna suggested.

"I can't today." Spencer denied "I've got field hockey."

"Swim practice."

Aria smiled sheepishly when Hanna looked to her as a last ditch attempt "I'm starting my pottery class at Hollis."

Haley raised an eyebrow "And is Jackie Molina going to be teaching it?"

"No, no, no," Aria shook her head "this is not about stalking. If Ezra says it's over between them, I believe him."

Hanna frowned "So what? You're just gonna hang around campus with binoculars?"

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