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WITH their mother away for a two-day conference, Haley and Hanna had the house to themselves. A thought they'd normally thrive on, but as they answered the door and found Darren Wilden on the other side, they suddenly wanted their mommy "Morning girls, is your mom home?"

Hanna's eye's narrowed on the man as she took a step in front of Haley "Why?"

"Because I'm not supposed to talk to you without a guardian present." He rolled his eyes.

Haley couldn't help but scoff "Like that's ever stopped you."

"Do me a favour, Hales." He peered down at the girl with a smirk that had her freeze "Tell your mom we need your sister to come in for a blood sample."

"What?" Hanna looked to him in shock "Why do you need my blood?"

"We have new evidence in the DiLaurentis case. The family wants answers." He sighed "And since the blood on that anklet doesn't match the guy's who locked up..."

Hanna gawked "So you think it's my blood?"

"O-negative." He shrugged "Same type as yours."

"And probably a billion other people." Haley retorted "Like me."

Darren simply smirked "But a billion other people and you weren't slipping notes under a woman's hospital bracelet."

"Okay, you have no proof that I did that." Hanna protested.

"Multiple witnesses saw you coming out of that room, Hanna."

"Well, they're wrong." Hanna snapped "My blood is not on your evidence."

He raised an eyebrow at the blonde "Then why do you look so scared?"

He gave Haley a goodbye for turning on his heels and taking his leave and the elder Marin was quick to shut the door and lock it behind them. She sighed in relief as she meant against the door before turning to her sister in concern "Han?"

The blonde swallowed thickly as she turned to her sister "I am so screwed."

THE girls walked through the streets of Rosewood, wanting to grab a cup of coffee before school. But Hanna had a lot to fill the girls in with "That's why A wants Garrett out of jail." She threw her arms up in frustration "So I can take his place."

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now