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ARMS folded across her chest, Haley stood in the corner of the Hastings kitchen, her eyes locked on the small tv screen, watching at the morning news broadcast surrounding Maya's murder trial.

"Jury selection is expected to conclude today. And defence attorney Veronica Hasting's made a statement to reporters this morning."

Spencer perked from her position in front of the counter's edge as her mother appeared on screen "My client is emotionally exhausted. But he's relieved to know that he's finally going to have the opportunity to clear his name."

Hanna looked between the tv and her friends in disbelief as the Hasting's girl muted it "How did this get so big? It's like all eyes are on Rosewood."

"A double homicide will do that." Haley muttered.

"Can't help but think that Toby took that job in Bucks County to avoid all this." Spencer sighed despondently.

Aria looked between her friends as she rejoined them after hanging up the phone "Em's taking the long way. Reporters are hounding her for interviews."

"Okay." Spencer turned to face them "How are we gonna do this?"

"Well, Emily thinks she's coming over here so we can apologise." Hanna reminded them "But when she realises what this is she'll probably be more mad than she was before."

"I'm not looking forward to seeing that." Spencer grimaced.

"In a successful intervention, the loved one feels safe, not judged, so..." Hanna trailed.

"Great, great." Aria scoffed "So we'll start out all warm and fuzzy and then we just have to hit her with the truth?"

Hanna nodded before turning to Spencer "Yeah, that's your cue."

"Okay, so Paige was jealous of Ali." She listed off what they'd rehearsed "We know that Paige was jealous of Maya."

"And she has the other earring, so she must've have Ali's body, right?" Aria confirmed.


Hanna's eyebrow's furrowed "Wait, I don't get it. If Paige was into Emily, why would she drug Haley?"

"And what was Paige's connection to Mona?" Haley added "I mean we still think this A is working together with her right?"

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