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HAVING all received the same text, the girls were back in the car, Spencer driving this time as Aria took the passenger seat. Haley however was still stuck in the middle as she groaned "Can't this thing go any faster?"

"It's hard to see out here." Spencer defended "There's no lights on this road."

"The GPS says it's a mile straight ahead." Aria informed her.

Hanna frowned "If 'A's' been at the inn since he sent that text, aren't we gonna be too late to help Ali?"

Spencer swallowed thickly "Well, we won't know that until we get there."

"That's if Ali's even there." Emily reminded !We're going off something she wrote in a journal two years ago."

"There it is." Aria pointed to the faded sign up ahead "Turn right."

Spencer did so and soon pulled up outside the desolate inn and Haley shivered as they climbed out of the car "It's like a ghost town."

"Yeah, well let's hope one of those ghosts isn't Ali." Hanna murmured.

"Come on." Spencer nodded them forward "We need to check the rooms."

And so they did, one at a time until they ended up in the last one, the one at the end of the building. The room was empty safe for a makeshift bed and a bag on the floor and Hanna's eyes widened as she looked to the clothes strewn across the carpet to the shattered glass underneath the window "What the hell happened here?"

"Looks like there was some kind of struggle." Spencer mused as they stepped inside.

Aria reached down and picked up a floral shirt "I could definitely see Ali wearing this."

Haley frowned as she looked around "If Ali was here, where did she go?"

"Maybe she fought 'A' off and got away." Emily mused hopefully.

"Yeah, or he took her somewhere else." Spencer sighed.

Aria exhaled shakily "Or worse."

The door creaking has the five jump before the turned just as it closed over, revealing the scratched message left behind.


AS Hanna cleaned our her closet, tossing all of her clothes onto her bed, Haley sat against the headboard deep in thought "The worst part is not knowing what happened to her. It's like déja vu all over again. And that room? God, it makes my skin crawl."

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now