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IT was after the school the next day when the girls gathered in Emily's bedroom. Hanna had set up the girl's laptop and they stood around it, trying to decipher what it meant.

"Mona's trying to help us." Haley retorted after Spencer questioned the girls motives "Why else would she give us this?"

"Emily's still on the phone." Aria returned "She seemed to take it okay, didn't she?"

Spencer scoffed lightly "What like we should be used to hearing from ghosts by now?"

"You guys need to give her more credit." Haley bit out "A bit like Mona."

"Did you ever stop to think why Mona would want to help us?" Spencer raised an eyebrow at the girl.

"Because she's afraid of something!"

Hanna nodded "Just like we were afraid of her."

"I don't know." Spencer trailed off unsurely.

"Yeah, you don't know." Hanna deadpanned "But the cops are still after my blood."

Spencer frowned "I told you, my mom will handle that."

"Ugh. I hate needles."

"Okay, look." Aria sighed "Wether this is fake or not, we've gotta figure out what's on that site."

Before anyone could respond, Emily returned "It was Nate."

"What did he want?" Haley questioned.

"I promised to hike up with him to he old boathouse. Told him it was Maya's favourite spot in Rosewood."

Spencer frowned "You're not gonna like tell him about this, are you?" 

"If I did that, I'd have to tell him how we know about it."

"Em, what do you want us to do about this?" Aria questioned gently.

"Do you mind if we try and break into Maya's site?" Hanna added.

"But if you don't want us to, we won't, okay?" Haley was quick to assure "We can find something else."

Emily shook her head "No, no we have to."

"Okay." Aria looked between them "Um, how do we get past the password?"

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now