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ARIA had discovered Ezra's betrayal all on her own as she spent the weekend at his cabin, the same cabin she'd claimed was her uncles. But the girls couldn't focus on that, when Ezra had chased Aria through the woods, desperate to explain himself, even going as far as to trap her on a ski lift with him. He wasn't 'A', he was just a writer who was using Alison's friends to write her tale.

The girls surrounded Aria as she cried on her couch, Haley sitting beside her with the Montgomery girl tucked in close as she rubbed her arm. Spencer sat forward from her position on the coffee table "Did you actually read any of this book?"

"A few pages. Bits and pieces." She sniffled "Ezra knew who I was before we met. He knew who all of us were. And he knew Alison too."

Emily frowned "So he admitted to being in a relationship with her?"

"Yeah, a brief one."

"Then he must be Board Shorts." Hanna claimed.

Aria shrugged "Well, Ezra didn't try to kill Alison. His whole book is trying to piece together who did it."

Haley looked down at her "How is he gonna do that when the police can't even figure it out?"

"I don't know." Aria admitted "He has a theory though."

"And?" Hanna pressed "What is it?"

She snorted "He thinks that one of us did it."

Spencer scoffed "You're kidding, right?"

"Well, now we know it's a work of fiction." Emily grumbled.

Spencer frowned "Which one of us is he trying to pin it on?"

Aria sighed "I didn't get that far."

"You didn't think to ask?"

"Why?" Aria frowned "We know that that's not true."

Emily looked to Aria hesitantly "Just because he wrote a book doesn't mean he's not 'A'. You know, he could be using it as a way to place the blame on one of us and keep suspicion off of him."

"No, he doesn't need to do that." Hanna argued "He knows that Ali's alive."

Spencer looked to her "But he didn't know that when he started writing the book."

"Guys, listen, Ezra's not 'A'." Aria stressed "He's a writer who found a great opportunity to make a name for himself and he used me. He used us."

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