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IT had been an early start for the girls as they tried to track down Emily who had driven off in the middle of the night.

"All her clothes are here." Aria sighed as she closed Hanna's closet "You think she did something crazy?"

"Like what?" Spencer questioned with a frown.

Aria's eye's widened "Like jump in her car and burn rubber until she hits Texas."

"And leave everything behind?" Spencer retorted "She didn't even take her phone."

"Why would she?" Haley shrugged "It's A's main form of torture."

Hanna sighed before looking to said phone "Wait, Aria is that you?"

Spencer scoffed as they looked over the photo of their friend and Mr. Fitz kissing "Unless your Aria's mom then just assume it's Spencer slutting it up."

"When did she get that?" Aria panicked.

"3 am." Haley muttered "Clue Ella in and I'll let you out. A."

"Give me this." Aria snatched the phone from her.

Hanna sighed "Look, Aria, chill. Emily would never send that to your mother."

"Well, of course she wouldn't because she can't because we have her phone and she left in the middle of the night." Spencer ranted "Where the hell is she?"

"Guys..." Aria started, turning the phone to face her friends "Look at her last incoming call."

Haley's eyebrow's raised in surprise at the familiar name "Dr. Sullivan?"

WHEN Emily took up Dr. Sullivan's offer after a long morning of doing what she did best: running, the Field's girl took a deep breath before knocking on the office door. She let out a shaky exhale as she came face-to-face with Dr. Sullivan "I'm ready, to talk."

"Good." She stepped back, opening the door further "Come in and join us."

Emily paused "Us?"

Dr. Sullivan watched as Emily turned, finding her friends dotted across the room, silent and waiting "Your friends have been worried about you."

"Em, why did you at least wake me?" Hanna was the first to break the silence "I was sleeping five feet away from you."

Haley nodded "Or come into my room? It's right across the hall."

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now