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BEFORE the sun had even began to rise, Haley was out of the house. Her feet pounded down the pavement, her lungs burning as she ran. She'd stolen the gym wear from Emily (she'd ask for forgiveness later), filled a water bottle and ran. It was so unlike her, to voluntarily exercise but she needed a distraction. She needed to stay awake.

The sun was rising over the church, hues of pink and orange and blues filtering across the sky like a beautiful watercolour, but Haley couldn't stop to admire it for long. Not when a familiar stepped in front of her "Oh, God!"

"Oh how I've missed hearing that from your mouth." Darren smirked and Haley took a step back making him sigh "Come on, I'll drop you off."

"No thanks." She attempted to bypass him "It's not that far—"

"Get in the car, Haley." He cut her off, grabbing a hold of her upper arm "We need to talk."

The Marin girl swallowed down the lump of fear lodged in her throat as she reluctantly followed him to his car, silently sliding into the passenger seat as he held open the door. Haley held her breath as she watched him round the front bumper before hopping into the drivers seat before starting up the engine.

The pair sat in a silence that swallowed the entire at atmosphere and left Haley feeling on edge until finally Darren let out a heavy sigh "So, your mother knows about us."

"There is no us!" She snapped, swallowing as he turned his blank stare to her "And she doesn't know everything."

Darren pursed his lips before nodding "Good. It better stay that way." He glanced over at the teen beside him "So, you wanna tell me who sent you that photo and Hanna's arrest report?"

"Didn't my mom tell you? It was Aria." She tried to calm her racing heart as her fingernails dig into her palms "She thought she was helping."

"Yeah, except I don't believe that." Darren admitted and her breath hitched as he pulled up outside her house, turning his piercing stare to the side of her face "Now who other than your little friends know's?"

Haley shook her head before forcing herself to meet his gaze "No one."

He looked at her for a moment before reaching across her making her flinch. "Problem?" Darren sent her a raised eyebrow before opening the passenger door "You better get ready for school."

Haley quickly climbed out of the car only to gasp as a hand latched around her wrist, forcing her bend back over into the vehicle, her face mere inches away from Darren's "Just know, Hales, I will find out the truth. I always do."

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now