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"WELL, he recognised the coat." Aria sighed as she joined the girls at the table outside Lucky Leon's "That's what he saw at first, and he thought I was Alison."

"Vivian." Haley mumbled, taking a sip of her coffee.

"When we noticed he didn't come back, he was gone." Emily admitted.

Hanna shrugged "He was cute from the back."

"So was his front." Aria smirked "Under different circumstances. He's been in Florida for, like, a year."

Spencer frowned "What did you tell him exactly?"

"Uh, I told him that I was a friend of Vivian's and that I hadn't seen her since she gave me the coat."

"Can I see that number again?"

Aria nodded and handed the Hastings girl the note he'd given her "Yeah."

Spencer raised an eyebrow as she looked over it "Duncan Albert?"

"He said he met her in Brookhaven?" Emily questioned.

Aria nodded "Yeah, in a bookstore. Couple places down from that creep doll hospital."

Spencer let out a sigh "Well whoever Duncan is, he's connected to Alison and what she wanted in Brookehaven."

"How do we know that he wasn't just some guy she flirted with?" Emily shook her head with a frown.

Haley looked between them "But Ali liked to flirt as Ali."

"Yeah, I don't think she wasted Vivian on flirting." Spencer agreed "When she put that wig on, she wanted something."

Hanna tapped her coffee cup lid in thought "She was looking for A."

"And Duncan was part of that trail." Emily sighed.

"I'll call him." Aria suddenly declared.

Spencer looked to her "Aria, you don't have to."

"Anyone of us could've been wearing that coat." Emily agreed.

"But it was me." Aria argued.

Spencer opened her mouth to respond when something caught her eye. The other girls noticed her silence and followed her gaze to see a bandaged Jenna being led by hand by none other than Toby.

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now