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AS Hanna finished getting ready for school Haley made her way downstairs only to pause halfway at the sight of Officer Barry standing in the hallway with her mother "Mom?"

Ashley held a finger to quiet her down before waving her over. Barry looked between them as Haley made her way to Ashley's side "Sorry to bother you so early Mrs. Marin."

"Mrs, Marin." Ashley took a deep inhale "That doesn't sound good."

"Is Hanna home?"

"She's getting ready for school." Haley mumbled with a frown "What's going on?"

Barry sighed heavily "The judge signed the court order today. The department now has legal authority to compel Hanna for provide a blood sample."

Ashley's eye's widened as Haley looked to her mother in worry "Barry—"

"The sample will be tested to see if it's a match with the blood on an anklet belonging to Alison DiLaurentis."

"Lower your voice." Ashley hissed, quickly glancing to the stairs to make sure Hanna couldn't hear. But when the telltale sign of her youngest's daughter heels across the bathroom came, she sighed in relief before turning back to the officer "How long do we have?"

"Hanna has 5 days to comply, Mrs. Marin." He looked between them apologetically "You know how to reach us."

As her mother showed Barry the door, Haley shuffled anxiously from foot-to-foot until she turned back to face her "Mom, what do we do?"

Ashley took a moment before going to her purse and grabbing her phone, quickly putting it to her ear "Hello. I need to speak to Veronica Hastings right away."

HALEY had found it hard not to tell her sister of their visit that morning but when her mother had asked her to give her a chance to speak to Veronica before breaking the news, she'd relented. Hanna had enough to worry about after all.

"The Apple Rose Grille at closing time. Go alone or Caleb pays. A." Haley muttered as she read the message on her sister's phone aloud as she met up with her and Spencer in the courtyard while she waited on Emily.

Spencer frowned as Haley handed Hanna her phone back "What's at The Grille?"

"I don't know." Hanna shrugged "A's takeout?"

"When did you get this?" Haley questioned.

"This morning." She grumbled "I talked to Caleb for like 2 seconds then bam, text."

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