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RUSHING through the corridor's of Rosewood Memorial, Haley and Spencer shared a look as they tried to keep up with Hanna.

"Hanna, will you slow down?" The Hastings girl called after the blonde "I almost tripped on a catheter that was still attached to someone."

"312. 312." Hanna ignored her before she found the room "There it is."

Haley sighed as they peaked around the corner "We need to have a plan."

"We have a plan: exposing A."

"Inside voice, okay?" Spencer quietened her down before shaking her head "What exactly is that plan?"

Hanna sent her a look "We're going to replace Garrett's note with a fake note that we wrote."

"Yes, I know that part." She rolled her eyes "I came up with that."

"Yeah, I was wondering why you were asking."

Haley sighed .But we still need a place to lead A."

"Rosewood church, by the organ in the main sanctuary, tonight." Hanna declared with a shrug.

Spencer's eyebrow's furrowed "How did you come up with that?"

"I have been living there since my mom signed me up to sort through spandex shorts and granny panties."

Haley's nose scrunched up "Used Granny pa— Gross."

Spencer rolled her eye at the girl before looking to Hanna "Won't the church be locked?"

"That's the point." The blonde deadpanned "It's deserted at night."

"What?" Haley snorted derisively "No one needs Jesus when the sun goes down?"

Spencer shot the girl a look before sighing "So when Lucas shows up to jimmy—"

"It's not Lucas." Haley snapped.

She gave Haley a look of disbelief "Aria found the same pills you were drugged with in his camera bag."

"Then I'll show up with a paddle and do what Haley should've done at the lake." Hanna stepped in.

Haley shook her head "Can we just get this over with?"

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now