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THE girls gathered at The Brew to discuss Hanna and Emily's latest theory and Aria was wide eyed as she looked between them "So wait. You think that Paige gave that note to the police?"

"We don't think, we know." Hanna sighed "I mean it was her handwriting and her stationery.

Haley looked to the frowning Fields girl "Em, have you spoken to her yet?"

"She's uh, in Maine visiting her family."

Aria sat back in shock "You guys, if the police know that Ali is alive..."

"Then we're all gonna get dragged in that precinct." Hanna grumbled.

Emily shook her head "Honestly, I'm a lot more worried about Alison than I am about us."

Hanna swallowed "So what are we gonna say when the cops ask whose bones are in Ali's grave?"

"That we don't know." Haley deadpanned "Just like they clearly don't. I mean, did they even run DNA?"

"You guys," Spencer began "if the cops are gonna question anybody, it's gonna be me. I'm the one who Ali's mom saw with that shovel."

Aria shook her head "But Ali's alive, Spencer."

"Yeah, and somebody else isn't." Spencer argued "And I'm the one who might have bashed in the skull of a stranger."

"Okay, you really need to eat something." Aria muttered before looking to the blonde "Hanna, give her your cookie."

Hanna frowned, holding it to her chest "You give her your cookie. I'm hungry."

"Aria, face it." Spencer ignored their bickering "That's why Ali's mom has been stalking us ever since Mona put on a straitjacket."

"Okay, let's back up for a second." Aria shook her head "I get that Mrs. DiLaurentis is really scary, but I'm not buying that she's the devil."

Haley shrugged a little "I mean she did raise Ali..."

"Who's also not the devil." Emily argued.

"I think a lot of people in this town would beg to differ." Haley pointed out.

The girls sat in silence for a moment, realising Haley was right before Emily sighed "'A' knows Ali's alive. So if Mrs. D knew that why would she waste her energy torturing us instead of bringing her daughter back home?"

UNSTEADY 🅰️ LUCAS GOTTESMAN [book one]Where stories live. Discover now